Wednesday, April 12, 2023

How to build video conference using spring boot

To build a video conference application using Spring Boot, you can follow these steps: 

 1. Choose a video conferencing API: There are several video conferencing APIs available such as Twilio, Agora, Zoom, Jitsi, etc. Choose an API that best fits your requirements. 

 2. Set up a Spring Boot project: Create a new Spring Boot project using your preferred IDE or by using Spring Initializr. 

 3. Add the video conferencing API dependencies: Add the necessary dependencies for the chosen API in your project's pom.xml file.

 4. Configure the video conferencing API: Configure the video conferencing API with the required credentials and other settings in your Spring Boot application's configuration file.

 5. Implement the video conferencing features: Use the API's SDK to implement the video conferencing features such as creating a conference room, joining a room, leaving a room, etc. 

 6. Integrate the video conferencing features with your application: Add the necessary controllers and views to your Spring Boot application to integrate the video conferencing features with your application. 

 7. Test the application: Test the application thoroughly to ensure that the video conferencing features are working as expected. 

 Here's a sample code for a video conference application using Spring Boot and the Twilio Video API:
 1. Add the Twilio Video API dependency to your pom.xml file:



2. Add the required Twilio credentials and settings to your Spring Boot application's file
3. Implement a controller for creating and joining a video conference room:
public class VideoConferenceController {

    private TwilioConfig twilioConfig;

    public ResponseEntity createRoom() throws Exception {
        RoomCreator roomCreator = Room.creator()
        Room room = roomCreator.create();
        RoomResponse response = new RoomResponse();
        return ResponseEntity.ok(response);

    public ResponseEntity 
                        getRoomToken(@PathVariable("roomId") String roomId) {
        String accessToken = createAccessToken(roomId);
        return ResponseEntity.ok(accessToken);

    private String createAccessToken(String roomId) {
        VideoGrant grant = new VideoGrant();
        AccessToken token = new AccessToken.Builder(
        return token.toJwt();

4.Define a configuration class for the Twilio settings:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "twilio")
public class TwilioConfig {

    private String accountSid;
    private String authToken;
    private String apiKey;
    private String apiSecret;
    private String statusCallback;
    private int maxParticipants;


5.Configure the Twilio settings in your Spring Boot application's application.yml file:
  account-sid: your_account_sid
  auth-token: your_auth_token
  api-key: your_api_key
  api-secret: your_api_secret
  status-callback: http://localhost:8080/callback
  max-participants: 4
6. Run your Spring Boot application and test the video conference feature by creating and joining a room using the API endpoints.

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